Obviously, your engine is the heart and soul of your car, truck, or SUV. When your engine requires maintenance or repair, rest assured your vehicle is in good hands at Flagstaff Transmission Specialists in Flagstaff.
Transmission failure rarely happens out of the blue - there’s a good chance a transmission will give you a good amount of warning before kicking the bucket. Here are some things you can watch out for, from Flagstaff Transmission Specialists in Flagstaff, AZ.
At Flagstaff Transmission Specialists in Flagstaff, AZ, our main goal is to keep your car, truck, or SUV always performing at its best. Valve adjustments are an integral aspect of that goal.
Whether you drive a Chevy, Ram, or Ford diesel pickup, your truck is a quality engineered machine. At Flagstaff Transmission Specialists in Flagstaff, AZ, we honor that quality - not only in our service, but in the parts, we provide as well.
Buying a used vehicle can be a risky endeavor, but also a rewarding one. Buying used, even if the vehicle is close to new, will save you a lot of money compared to the price of a new vehicle off the lot. However, there are some inherent risks that come with purchasing a used vehicle; here is how to best avoid trouble.
Looking for the best auto service in town? Why stop there? At Flagstaff Transmission Specialists, we're not only home to the best service you'll find here in Flagstaff, AZ, but the best you'll find - anywhere.
At Flagstaff Transmission Specialists in Flagstaff, AZ, we like to offer a little insight from time to time. Here are some quick tips to unlocking the secret of keeping a transmission going strong.
Your brakes have a lot to do with how your car drives. Brakes are a frequently neglected item on a lot of people’s checklist, and many drivers on the road have subpar brakes and don’t even know it. A car that brakes well and brakes correctly are just as important as acceleration, handling, or any other aspect of a vehicle’s drivability. A car with brake issues has the potential to be a far more enjoyable ride when fixed.
2109 E 6TH Ave | Flagstaff, AZ
(928) 774-2220
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MON-FRI | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sat: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM | Sun: 9:30 AM- 4:00 PM